Thursday, May 6, 2010


As a technology salesperson working in the higher education realm, it is crucial that I'm up to date on technology and trending higher education topics. To get started with Google Reader, I've chosen to subscribe to the following feeds.

It is always important to be aware of competitors' products, trending stories and product critiques. I don't think you can find a better source than Wired for this type of coverage.
This site is a great way for me to ensure I can hold a conversation with my customers and seem well-versed in the topics important to this community.
This site's tagline is "Ideas Worth Spreading," and that really sums it up. I could spend hours watching TED Talks and hope Google Reader will be a good tool for helping me keep up.
As one of the most sought after speakers and writers of the past few years, Gladwell is a mind you want to stay caught up on.
This design and usability blog belongs to a software development company. The ideas covered on this site often go well beyond discussions of user interface and often challenge conventional ideas around business, education and modern life.

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